Association Insight for National Speakers Association Members
Association Insight has partnered with NSA to provide you the best resource for association professionals at a discounted price. Don’t miss out on the largest, most up-to-date database of association and executive profiles.
Association Insight Membership
- 249,588 association executive contacts
- Executive compensation data
- Unlimited views of phone, postal and email information
- Add unlimited prospects into our built-in CRM-like system
- Add alarms and follow-up notes that sync to your calendar
- 990 financial data (PDF format)
- Frequency discounts for phone and postal list rentals
- *Frequency discounts for email list rentals (deployed in-house)
- Save unlimited searches and add weekly/monthly alerts to your search
- Association meetings information, including date, location, facility, number of attendees, facility amenities, exhibitors, and most up-to-date records on meeting planners
- Contractor and advocacy information
*Minimums for the email list rentals must be met
*NSA members are not eligible for free trials or individual product demos